Why The Jaguar Rebrand is Failing – And What You Can Learn From It

Last month, Jaguar rolled out a bold rebrand alongside the unveiling of their future car model, sparking heated debates online. Loyal customers are upset, critics are buzzing, and the rebrand is being widely regarded as a misstep. But let’s break it down: What went wrong, and what lessons can small business owners take from this high-profile flop?

Why Jaguar Needed a Rebrand

First, let’s address the fact that Jaguar needed this rebrand. Like many legacy luxury brands, they’ve struggled to stay relevant, and when there’s a disconnect between a brand’s values and those of its customers, reinvention becomes necessary. A rebrand can breathe new life into a business, but it’s a delicate art. Without stellar marketing, it can backfire spectacularly.

Rebranding isn’t inherently risky because of how much you change—some brands have pulled off massive identity overhauls successfully. The difference lies in the messaging.

Take Dunkin’, for example. When they dropped “Donuts” from their name, introduced fresh fonts, logos, and visuals, and shifted their focus, it was a hit. Why? They put their customers first. They realized that their audience wanted more than doughnuts, and they adapted their offerings to align with that need.

Jaguar, on the other hand, didn’t follow this playbook.

What Went Wrong

Jaguar’s rebrand combined a sleek, modern aesthetic with disruptive design changes: new logos, fonts, and bright colors. Paired with their futuristic car model, it was a lot for loyal customers to digest. Many felt the new branding cheapened Jaguar’s image, while others criticized it as overly “woke.”

But here’s the real issue: the messaging.

The rebrand is all about Jaguar. The company launched with statements like:

  • "Jaguar should be a copy of nothing."

  • "We face the future with fearless creativity."

  • "Jaguar is unbound by imitation, convention, the expected. Showing courage and unwavering determination."

  • "Our every act will be a symbol of change."

…and 8 more minutes of these vague, self-focused claims—set against flashy visuals and eerie techno music. Altogether, they left customers scratching their heads.

Why Customers Don’t Care About Your Brand

Here’s the truth: Customers don’t care about your brand nearly as much as they care about how your brand benefits them. A rebrand succeeds when it’s framed as delivering more value to your audience, solving their problems, or enhancing their experience.

Let’s reimagine Jaguar’s messaging with a customer-first approach:

  • “Jaguar should be a copy of nothing” → “Experience the thrill of driving something truly unique.”

  • “We face the future with fearless creativity” → “Unleash your creative potential behind the wheel.”

  • “Jaguar is unbound by imitation, convention, the expected; showing courage and unwavering determination” → “Inspiring you to break free from the ordinary in every aspect of your life.”

  • “Our every act will be a symbol of change” → “Built to empower you to embrace change.”

See the difference? Shifting the focus from brand features to customer benefits makes the message more engaging and relatable.

Lessons for Small Business Owners

The new year is around the corner, and small businesses love to kick things off with fresh updates—new websites, services, headshots, or other mini rebrands. But no matter the scale, here’s the golden rule: It’s not about you.

Anytime you introduce something new, ask yourself:

  • How does this change benefit my customers?

  • Does it solve a pain point, save them money, or simplify their lives?

Frame your updates around what your customers gain, not what your business achieves.

The Takeaway

Jaguar’s rebrand faltered because it prioritized self-praise over customer connection. Don’t make the same mistake. Whether you’re launching a product, updating your brand, or introducing a new service, put your audience at the center of the story. When you make it about them, you’re far more likely to succeed. 


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