A Day at Sheroes Hangout: Witnessing Resilience in the Face of Injustice

I live my life in constant fear of men. Every day, I make countless decisions to keep myself safe — I glance over my shoulder, carry pepper spray, wear a fake wedding ring, and lie about where I live or whether I’m alone. These precautions may seem excessive to some, but they are the reality of being a woman.

On a recent trip to India, I found myself sitting down for lunch at Sheroes Hangout—a café unlike any I’d ever visited. It isn’t just a place to eat; it’s a sanctuary built by and for acid attack survivors. Here were women who had experienced the very thing I fear most: being attacked by men who sought to punish them for saying “no.”

Acid Attacks: The Horror Behind the Scars

The stories I heard at Sheroes Hangout were heartbreaking. Across Southeast Asia, acid attacks are a grim form of gender-based violence—attacks not meant to kill, but to disfigure and torture. Men have thrown acid at women for saying no, for not giving them sons, or simply for expressing discomfort.

Rani, one of the café’s staff, shared, “I tried to resist, so he took revenge by throwing acid on my face.” Another survivor, Anshu, recounted, “A 55-year-old neighbor threw acid on me while I was sleeping, just because I had protested against his advances.” Many survivors described the agonizing sensation of their skin melting away, piece by piece, as acid dripped off their faces, necks, and hands. One woman recounted being blinded and alone, begging for help for hours before anyone came. 

Following the attack, the isolation and rejection from their communities only deepened their pain. Survivors of acid attacks are often shunned from society due to their disfigurement. Even after multiple surgeries, the damage remains a constant reminder of the violence inflicted upon them. One employee said she had undergone twelve surgeries with the likelihood of needing more each year. Acid burns go deep, sometimes exposing bone, and can even result in partial or complete blindness. Yet, amidst the horror, there is a flicker of hope.

Sheroes Hangout: A Place of Healing and Empowerment

Sheroes Hangout, managed by the Chhanv Foundation, is much more than a café. It’s a place where survivors reclaim their lives and rediscover their identities. Located in Agra, near the Taj Mahal, this space offers survivors a chance to interact, laugh, and build a community free from the shadows of their past trauma.

The café operates on a “pay what you want” model (a unique approach that studies have shown can lead to the highest levels of engagement and profit). Beyond serving food, Sheroes Hangout hosts a small library along with a  store selling art, ornaments, and purses. Each corner of the space is a testament to resilience and creativity — a place where every object tells a story of survival and strength.

Women of Sheroes: Stories of Survival

Listening to the women at Sheroes Hangout, I was struck by the fierce determination in their voices. They had experienced the worst possible horrors, yet many of them now exuded joy and positivity that was inspiring. They were eager to share their experience, talk with us, and take photos. One woman summed up her outlook with the words, “Whatever bad that could happen has already happened, so now all that’s left is happy.”

I couldn’t help but reflect on my own experiences with harassment and assault — on how I constantly take steps to protect myself. Yet here were women who had been attacked for simply asserting their right to say no, and despite it all, they radiated hope. “I cry sometimes, but that’s okay because we all cry,” another survivor shared. Their scars, both seen and unseen, are not marks of defeat but symbols of the fights they’ve won. One woman declared, “Our scars are from the fights we’ve won.”

The Ongoing Battle for Justice

Even in this haven of healing, the shadow of injustice looms large. One survivor’s story echoed in my mind: “No legal action was brought against him. He is free.” In India, as in many parts of the world, the legal system often fails women. The structures in place tend to protect those with power and connections, leaving survivors to fight their own battles for justice. Although there has been significant progress, such as the ban on the open sale of acid that came about as a result of widespread protests, systemic injustice remains.

Women in India have mobilized, protesting in the streets and demanding change. Their efforts led to regulations that have curtailed the easy availability of acid, a victory born from collective outrage and determination. Yet, the battle is far from over, and many survivors continue to live with the daily reminder that the fight for justice is continuous.

Scars of Strength

At Sheroes Hangout, I witnessed firsthand how having a job, a community, and a place to call one’s own can transform lives. Working in the café gave these women not just a livelihood, but the confidence to try new things — to reinvent themselves. Some have even gone on to pursue careers as beauticians, designers, and computer scientists, proudly crediting the café for giving them a second chance at life.

For me, the visit was a profound reminder that while the battle against gender-based violence is continuous, every scar is a testament to survival, every smile a declaration of resilience. The courage of the women at Sheroes Hangout challenges me to rethink my own fears and to hope that someday, every woman can live free from fear. Their strength inspires not just admiration, but a call to action: a call to stand in solidarity, to speak out, and to work toward a future where our scars are celebrated as the marks of battles bravely fought and ultimately, won.


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